Justin's Koool Page you_are_not_alone.jpg 2.93 K

A lot of you have written to thank me for the Letter To A Friend. You've said that it showed you that you weren't alone. Well, here's more concrete proof that you're far from alone.

gayflag_line.gif 0.18 K
These are the Koool site statistics for one random day.gayflag_line.gif 0.18 K

May 19, 1997

Files Transmitted During Summary Period          105925
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       623339741
Average Files Transmitted Daily                   52962
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               311669870

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 5.52  5.50     34307925     5848 |  00
 4.19  4.43     27586307     4437 |  01
 3.00  3.33     20772528     3176 |  02
 3.21  3.41     21283853     3397 |  03
 2.94  3.31     20616216     3118 |  04
 1.73  1.57      9773696     1831 |  05
 2.03  2.05     12768258     2151 |  06
 2.45  2.40     14946458     2596 |  07
 2.91  2.33     14515885     3083 |  08
 3.22  2.87     17911071     3414 |  09
 3.82  4.29     26730194     4043 |  10
 3.40  3.14     19549129     3605 |  11
 3.98  3.39     21148881     4217 |  12
 4.91  4.72     29448572     5200 |  13
 4.12  3.90     24324586     4361 |  14
 5.61  5.91     36818205     5939 |  15
 6.35  6.11     38100647     6729 |  16
 6.14  6.13     38201757     6504 |  17
 4.37  4.60     28700448     4629 |  18
 5.02  5.55     34619642     5318 |  19
 4.29  4.32     26947664     4539 |  20
 5.40  5.77     35937731     5715 |  21
 6.02  5.56     34685670     6380 |  22
 5.38  5.40     33644418     5695 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.01  0.00        12324        6 | ae    
 0.02  0.01        70888       18 | at    
 1.07  1.00      6204582     1133 | au    
 0.25  0.29      1796544      265 | be    
 0.00  0.00         4943        1 | bh    
 0.16  0.20      1230465      172 | bm    
 0.79  0.82      5131472      836 | br    
 2.80  3.13     19535785     2963 | ca    
 1.02  0.99      6189053     1080 | ch    
 0.11  0.22      1385007      115 | cl    
 0.05  0.05       303420       58 | co    
 0.12  0.12       745819      129 | cr    
 0.08  0.08       500759       88 | cz    
 1.28  1.41      8803402     1356 | de    
 0.07  0.05       338103       78 | dk    
 0.03  0.07       417033       28 | do    
 0.01  0.00        29406        9 | ee    
 0.55  0.49      3084014      584 | es    
 0.53  0.50      3124884      566 | fi    
 0.57  0.66      4109018      607 | fr    
 0.17  0.23      1447722      185 | gr    
 0.07  0.11       696968       77 | hk    
 0.19  0.22      1389194      202 | hr    
 0.01  0.01        44349       10 | id    
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | ie    
 0.14  0.12       745394      149 | il    
 0.09  0.05       336128       91 | is    
 1.21  1.26      7879146     1282 | it    
 2.15  2.05     12770240     2276 | jp    
 0.19  0.19      1205698      200 | kr    
 0.07  0.04       273033       72 | lb    
 0.02  0.01        77871       22 | lv    
 0.04  0.03       182614       42 | mu    
 0.50  0.73      4577976      532 | mx    
 0.51  0.50      3113300      539 | my    
 0.01  0.01        52166        8 | na    
 0.05  0.06       379848       58 | ni    
 0.49  0.45      2823764      517 | nl    
 0.20  0.17      1066985      214 | no    
 0.29  0.21      1278486      305 | nz    
 0.06  0.06       381637       66 | pe    
 0.09  0.18      1139547       93 | ph    
 0.15  0.11       678624      156 | pl    
 0.19  0.19      1212355      203 | pt    
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | qa    
 0.02  0.02       107185       21 | ro    
 0.14  0.11       688386      153 | ru    
 0.20  0.25      1585581      214 | se    
 0.66  0.95      5937065      699 | sg    
 0.08  0.17      1058572       88 | si    
 0.03  0.02       105590       31 | sk    
 0.37  0.39      2416089      390 | th    
 0.08  0.08       489348       89 | tr    
 0.16  0.11       667707      173 | tw    
 0.97  0.87      5406397     1028 | uk    
 0.51  0.55      3410068      542 | us    
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | uy    
 0.03  0.03       170570       33 | ve    
 0.03  0.02       106080       27 | za    
35.16 28.33    176591687    37241 | com   
 5.93  7.13     44475113     6283 | edu   
 0.17  0.16       967888      179 | gov   
 0.04  0.03       192241       46 | mil   
22.77 25.57    159404409    24121 | net   
 0.75  0.76      4751234      794 | org   
 0.00  0.01        62816        1 | arpa  
15.40 17.27    107642730    16313 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

[The following reveal domain names only and not the individual user. Nonetheless, if you feel inclusion of your entry in some way jeopardizes you, please e-mail me with a request to remove it.]
%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
15.40 17.27    107642730    16313 | Unresolved
 0.01  0.00        12324        6 | ae.net.emirates
 0.00  0.01        62816        1 | arpa
 0.01  0.00        29846        8 | at.ac.uni-klu.oeh
 0.01  0.01        41042       10 | at.telecom.highway
 0.02  0.01        87978       17 | au.com.ans
 0.05  0.03       174998       49 | au.com.bhp
 0.06  0.06       394212       59 | au.com.connect
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | au.com.dialix.edison
 0.02  0.01        64991       17 | au.com.fastlink
 0.09  0.13       784983       99 | au.com.flex
 0.01  0.01        72537       12 | au.com.lisp
 0.04  0.05       290905       42 | au.com.microtronics
 0.02  0.01        73046       18 | au.com.nor
 0.05  0.04       237537       54 | au.com.omen
 0.05  0.04       248793       56 | au.com.ozemail
 0.00  0.00         2426        1 | au.com.thehub
 0.00  0.00         1778        1 | au.com.tnet
 0.03  0.03       159508       35 | au.edu.monash
 0.08  0.07       426271       85 | au.edu.murdoch
 0.02  0.01        75986       20 | au.edu.newcastle
 0.01  0.00          882        9 | au.edu.unimelb.its
 0.00  0.00         1072        4 | au.edu.uq.cc
 0.01  0.00        13150        8 | au.gov.deetya
 0.01  0.00          588        6 | au.gov.wa.bs
 0.02  0.02       118375       26 | au.net.aone.melbourne
 0.01  0.01        51149       11 | au.net.cobweb
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | au.net.ecn
 0.01  0.00          686        7 | au.net.nswrno
 0.03  0.02       146112       36 | au.net.ozramp
 0.05  0.06       351511       52 | au.net.questnet
 0.03  0.02       140015       27 | au.net.real
 0.00  0.00        14161        4 | au.net.starway
 0.02  0.01        78960       24 | au.net.taunet
 0.21  0.23      1444887      226 | au.net.tmns
 0.09  0.07       422334       93 | au.net.werple
 0.00  0.00          268        1 | au.oz.su.maths
 0.02  0.04       255251       23 | au.oz.su.ucc
 0.03  0.02       140836       36 | be.ac.fundp.chimie
 0.09  0.06       399888       89 | be.eunet
 0.05  0.10       647702       54 | be.glo
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | be.infonie
 0.08  0.10       607861       85 | be.sky
 0.00  0.00         4943        1 | bh.com.batelco
 0.12  0.17      1087764      132 | bm.bercol
 0.04  0.02       142701       40 | bm.ibl
 0.00  0.01        34924        1 | br.com.africanet
 0.00  0.00         3688        2 | br.com.alanet
 0.00  0.01        69004        2 | br.com.amcham
 0.02  0.02        97604       19 | br.com.bhnet
 0.08  0.08       473058       81 | br.com.centroin
 0.04  0.03       210130       46 | br.com.cgnet
 0.11  0.09       543998      115 | br.com.correionet
 0.03  0.04       251802       29 | br.com.cpunet
 0.00  0.01        69004        2 | br.com.dglnet
 0.00  0.01        41140        1 | br.com.domain
 0.00  0.01        69004        2 | br.com.easynet
 0.03  0.02       152554       34 | br.com.horizontes
 0.03  0.02       111827       34 | br.com.iaccess
 0.02  0.01        75911       18 | br.com.iconet.jac
 0.00  0.01        34080        1 | br.com.internetional
 0.00  0.01        34080        1 | br.com.ism
 0.00  0.00        10563        2 | br.com.lbm
 0.02  0.02       106025       17 | br.com.mandic
 0.00  0.00        11531        3 | br.com.mps
 0.03  0.02       123179       33 | br.com.netpoint
 0.00  0.01        35022        2 | br.com.node1
 0.06  0.07       463872       66 | br.com.nutecnet.bsb
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | br.com.nutecnet.cas
 0.00  0.01        34080        1 | br.com.nutecnet.vix
 0.05  0.04       234829       58 | br.com.plug-in
 0.03  0.02       126510       36 | br.com.procergs
 0.00  0.01        69004        2 | br.com.prolink
 0.06  0.04       258481       62 | br.com.solar
 0.00  0.01        34080        1 | br.com.sti
 0.00  0.01        69004        2 | br.com.telnet
 0.10  0.11       668153      108 | br.com.unikey
 0.00  0.01        33128        2 | br.gov.almg
 0.01  0.01        41024        7 | br.gov.petrobras
 0.00  0.00         2228        1 | br.uerj
 0.03  0.08       507613       36 | br.ufrgs
 0.01  0.01        31240        8 | br.ufrj.coppe
 0.03  0.03       174655       31 | ca.ab.cbe.b400
 0.02  0.01        75809       20 | ca.ab.compusmart
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | ca.ab.connect
 0.03  0.03       167183       30 | ca.ab.supernet
 0.00  0.00        13290        2 | ca.ab.videotron
 0.02  0.01        90195       16 | ca.bc.intergate
 0.27  0.28      1733079      281 | ca.bctel
 0.02  0.01        78347       21 | ca.cgocable.dr
 0.00  0.01        46686        3 | ca.cgocable.tr
 0.00  0.01        61737        5 | ca.cyberus
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | ca.destination
 0.21  0.14       865335      221 | ca.direct
 0.01  0.01        47432       14 | ca.gc.dfo-mpo
 0.06  0.06       373798       60 | ca.istar.ott
 0.03  0.02       110850       33 | ca.istar.tor
 0.04  0.02       155463       47 | ca.mb.cyberspc
 0.03  0.03       158633       31 | ca.mb.mbnet
 0.06  0.09       544236       64 | ca.mcgill.das
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | ca.mgl
 0.04  0.04       239345       40 | ca.multi-medias
 0.04  0.02       141553       46 | ca.nb.nbnet
 0.30  0.42      2643939      318 | ca.netcom
 0.05  0.04       239012       54 | ca.netinc
 0.00  0.01        32876        4 | ca.ns
 0.00  0.00        19005        1 | ca.ns.dbis.hfx
 0.13  0.30      1849276      137 | ca.on.easynet
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | ca.on.wcl
 0.01  0.00          784        8 | ca.onramp.tor
 0.07  0.07       466575       75 | ca.qc.interlinx
 0.02  0.01        86000       19 | ca.qc.ntic
 0.01  0.01        66016        9 | ca.qc.saglac
 0.00  0.00        30817        5 | ca.qc.webnet
 0.01  0.01        64451       10 | ca.queensu.tele
 0.01  0.00        11538        6 | ca.rmc
 0.08  0.10       624852       82 | ca.sfu
 0.04  0.04       236060       40 | ca.sympatico.nf
 0.07  0.07       456098       78 | ca.sympatico.ns
 0.35  0.48      3019479      371 | ca.sympatico.on
 0.12  0.08       523261      125 | ca.sympatico.qc
 0.03  0.03       183877       30 | ca.sympatico.sk
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | ca.ualberta.law
 0.01  0.01        46202        9 | ca.umontreal
 0.00  0.00         1778        1 | ca.uquebec.uqar
 0.06  0.09       577382       61 | ca.utoronto.dialin
 0.11  0.14       903216      118 | ca.uwaterloo
 0.04  0.02       152646       38 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar
 0.01  0.01        57245       14 | ca.wave.rogers.bc
 0.06  0.06       365292       61 | ca.yorku.eas
 0.02  0.02       124681       21 | ca.yorku.slip
 0.24  0.23      1414310      250 | ca.yorku.steac014
 0.26  0.25      1554825      280 | ch.bluewin
 0.02  0.02        95207       16 | ch.gaybar
 0.19  0.18      1127746      198 | ch.iprolink
 0.08  0.10       599170       82 | ch.magnet
 0.02  0.02       132459       25 | ch.span
 0.14  0.15       941103      153 | ch.swissonline
 0.06  0.05       285289       66 | ch.swix
 0.06  0.06       373242       64 | ch.unige
 0.11  0.13       797838      119 | ch.unizh
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | ch.videorom
 0.07  0.05       281782       73 | ch.worldcom
 0.11  0.22      1385007      115 | cl.webcenter
 0.05  0.05       303420       58 | co.com.impsat
 0.06  0.02       106297       60 | com.1sc
 0.03  0.04       239391       37 | com.1starnet
 0.01  0.01        51788        8 | com.abraxis
 0.04  0.03       216959       45 | com.adnc
 0.00  0.00         3124        4 | com.adobe
 0.06  0.09       562542       60 | com.ainet
 0.04  0.03       184567       42 | com.anet-chi.max1-71
 1.57  1.67     10439665     1659 | com.aol.ipt
17.92  8.77     54660459    18977 | com.aol.proxy
 0.13  0.27      1670093      139 | com.aone.clat
 0.06  0.07       429398       66 | com.apple
 0.01  0.01        73839       13 | com.ardennet
 0.06  0.06       381831       59 | com.atcon.amh
 0.01  0.04       237900       15 | com.atext
 0.11  0.08       520170      114 | com.att
 0.10  0.15       917487      103 | com.attcanada.pda.mtl
 0.02  0.01        85114       21 | com.attcanada.pda.tor1
 0.00  0.00         2953        1 | com.axionet
 0.04  0.04       251624       41 | com.azc
 0.11  0.13       824786      119 | com.bankamerica
 0.01  0.01        39395        9 | com.basf-corp
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | com.batnet
 0.03  0.02       137499       31 | com.bbn
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | com.bccom
 0.01  0.01        85540        9 | com.bcinternet
 0.07  0.05       333300       74 | com.bechtel
 0.02  0.01        77757       16 | com.bendnet
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | com.bently
 0.26  0.37      2296884      273 | com.best.vip
 0.06  0.07       422561       66 | com.black-hole
 0.04  0.03       201158       41 | com.bossnt
 0.05  0.04       275428       58 | com.bt.access
 0.22  0.23      1415725      237 | com.btinternet
 0.09  0.13       835918       95 | com.cadvision
 0.13  0.20      1238471      135 | com.cajunnet
 0.07  0.09       553392       76 | com.calspan
 0.03  0.10       649440       31 | com.caltel
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | com.calweb
 0.08  0.18      1123491       81 | com.ccnet
 0.02  0.01        62366       16 | com.channel1
 0.01  0.01        43769       11 | com.cinecom
 0.07  0.14       893809       76 | com.cioe
 0.00  0.00          272        1 | com.cioe.fwa
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | com.city-online
 0.00  0.00         8372        1 | com.clandjop
 0.01  0.02       111333       14 | com.clarityconnect
 0.00  0.00          360        2 | com.cloudnet
 0.02  0.01        78960       24 | com.coastalnet
 0.02  0.02       128125       22 | com.coastlink
 0.05  0.07       424518       53 | com.compassnet
 0.92  1.07      6691576      971 | com.compuserve
 0.82  0.80      5010914      866 | com.compuserve.hil
 0.29  0.25      1564946      306 | com.compuserve.lon
 0.04  0.06       374911       47 | com.compuserve.mun
 0.05  0.05       342594       52 | com.compuserve.par
 0.00  0.00         8372        1 | com.core-net
 0.00  0.00        16564        1 | com.ctlnet
 0.06  0.07       411160       66 | com.ctp
 0.15  0.14       850185      158 | com.cts
 0.02  0.02       113810       21 | com.cu-online
 0.06  0.05       305275       62 | com.cyberg8t.pld
 0.00  0.01        49305        1 | com.cybertron
 0.01  0.00         1176       12 | com.dec.pa-x.av
 0.06  0.06       343730       64 | com.deltanet
 0.00  0.00          376        3 | com.direcpc
 0.06  0.05       280709       68 | com.disney
 0.06  0.06       384088       59 | com.dodgenet
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | com.doitnow
 0.01  0.01        38539        9 | com.dreamscape
 0.03  0.02       148958       32 | com.dzn
 0.01  0.01        49292       13 | com.eb
 0.06  0.07       436876       65 | com.electrotex.cc
 0.15  0.19      1153844      158 | com.emeraldis
 0.00  0.00        11531        3 | com.encore
 0.01  0.01        60483       14 | com.eosinc
 0.01  0.00          784        8 | com.epng
 0.95  1.12      6974745     1010 | com.erols
 0.01  0.01        41627        9 | com.esri
 0.00  0.00         1338        1 | com.esslink
 0.07  0.11       667761       70 | com.etn
 0.00  0.01        61196        2 | com.europa
 0.10  0.08       521031      101 | com.execpc
 0.32  0.28      1758039      338 | com.execpc.mke.mdm
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | com.execulink.mars
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | com.framatech
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | com.frco
 0.07  0.09       533739       75 | com.fwi
 0.00  0.00        24826        5 | com.galstar
 0.02  0.02       114805       26 | com.gatecom
 0.01  0.01        57869       14 | com.ge
 0.04  0.05       332198       39 | com.genacc
 0.03  0.03       190382       36 | com.getnet.tcg
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | com.gol.tokyo
 0.03  0.03       164152       36 | com.grolen
 0.03  0.04       279869       36 | com.gtn
 0.05  0.06       370996       57 | com.halcyon
 0.01  0.01        44105       11 | com.halnet
 0.01  0.01        33500       14 | com.harborside.coos2
 0.12  0.09       590364      123 | com.hkstar.dialup
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | com.home.sfba.frmt1
 0.04  0.03       176804       40 | com.hp
 0.02  0.02       128260       26 | com.hp.access
 0.04  0.03       176061       44 | com.hp.cns
 0.01  0.00        18542        7 | com.hp.fc
 0.05  0.05       318490       55 | com.humboldt1
 0.06  0.05       335935       61 | com.ibm.almaden
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | com.ibm.chips
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | com.ibm.raleigh
 0.01  0.01        44518       11 | com.ibm.us.ca
 0.12  0.16       977617      129 | com.ibm.us.ny
 0.26  0.36      2226815      275 | com.idirect
 0.00  0.00        19005        1 | com.inetnebr
 0.08  0.08       509418       89 | com.infinet
 0.00  0.00         5734        1 | com.infomation
 0.01  0.02       135104       12 | com.infonex
 0.06  0.05       307344       63 | com.infopet
 0.08  0.10       615526       89 | com.infowest
 0.04  0.02       135259       41 | com.injersey
 0.04  0.07       435876       45 | com.inow
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | com.intel.ch
 0.01  0.00        13071        7 | com.intel.fm
 0.00  0.00         2191        1 | com.interaccess.nnb
 0.19  0.22      1398093      200 | com.interlog.cc
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | com.internetwis
 0.05  0.07       410751       52 | com.ioa
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | com.ior
 0.03  0.03       184460       31 | com.islandnet
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | com.itis
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | com.javanet
 0.04  0.05       322477       39 | com.jcpenney
 0.00  0.00          272        1 | com.kmc-volcano
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | com.lainet
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | com.lgcit
 0.01  0.00        27557        7 | com.lgcy
 0.00  0.01        44812        2 | com.loa
 0.06  0.05       307081       61 | com.localnet
 0.05  0.04       275159       53 | com.loclnet
 0.04  0.05       298366       42 | com.lrun
 0.00  0.01        49052        3 | com.lucent
 0.03  0.02       100955       32 | com.macomb.dialup0
 0.01  0.01        54292       13 | com.mcia
 0.00  0.01        32948        1 | com.mediacity
 0.03  0.08       492187       37 | com.mergetel
 0.02  0.01        58385       18 | com.metronet
 0.01  0.01        38680        7 | com.millcomm.mpls
 0.31  0.28      1776350      328 | com.mindspring.dialup
 0.06  0.06       385985       62 | com.ml
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | com.monmouth
 0.06  0.06       388165       61 | com.montana
 0.11  0.10       651834      118 | com.myna.rn2
 0.01  0.01        35279        8 | com.myna.rn5
 0.11  0.21      1314367      118 | com.nbn
 0.15  0.40      2477429      160 | com.ncr
 0.02  0.02       110697       25 | com.ncweb
 0.33  0.46      2887555      347 | com.ndb
 0.01  0.00        20565        9 | com.neosoft.no
 1.36  1.67     10435397     1436 | com.netcom.ix
 0.03  0.05       314896       34 | com.netcomgrp
 0.00  0.00         5773        3 | com.netmind
 0.01  0.01        57245       14 | com.netone.ser
 0.19  0.18      1121311      196 | com.netvigator
 0.12  0.12       747950      122 | com.nitco
 0.07  0.07       455438       72 | com.nni
 0.00  0.00         1511        1 | com.novell.provo.npd
 0.04  0.03       200293       47 | com.nucleus
 0.08  0.09       539972       89 | com.nunanet
 0.07  0.12       734473       77 | com.oanet
 0.00  0.00          544        2 | com.octel
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | com.ogilvy
 0.00  0.01        48230        3 | com.okeechobee
 0.08  0.10       635728       84 | com.onr
 0.00  0.00          490        5 | com.osler
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | com.pacbell.snfc370
 0.09  0.07       466105       96 | com.pacbell.srv
 0.03  0.05       317843       31 | com.pacifier.van3
 0.01  0.01        48146       13 | com.pcdocs
 0.00  0.00         2401        2 | com.peganet
 0.00  0.01        53298        5 | com.penn
 0.07  0.06       355476       77 | com.pier1
 0.23  0.22      1353932      245 | com.pipex.du
 0.07  0.08       472864       75 | com.pipex.msn-uk.max14
 0.04  0.02        99382       43 | com.pipex.msn-uk.max19
 0.01  0.01        32426        6 | com.pipex.msn-uk.max28
 0.03  0.02       115728       27 | com.pol
 0.02  0.02       114921       23 | com.ppg
 0.04  0.03       159388       42 | com.prairienet
 0.04  0.05       297561       47 | com.primenet.lax
 0.04  0.09       569437       45 | com.primenet.phx
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | com.primenet.pom
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | com.primenet.sna
 0.00  0.01        48980        5 | com.prodigy
 0.01  0.01        70080       12 | com.prtel.dialup
 0.07  0.08       528402       69 | com.pty
 0.02  0.02       136724       26 | com.qnet.ca
 0.13  0.13       830889      140 | com.quebectel
 0.00  0.00          453        3 | com.quiknet
 0.15  0.14       857886      158 | com.rain
 0.04  0.05       341225       43 | com.redshift
 0.01  0.01        49468       13 | com.rr.maine
 0.04  0.01        77870       38 | com.rr.san
 0.03  0.02       104448       36 | com.rrinc
 0.06  0.05       337129       59 | com.rrnet.dot
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | com.schwab
 0.01  0.01        69530       12 | com.seacoast
 0.06  0.05       342084       63 | com.seanet
 0.08  0.12       717369       89 | com.seanet.dialup
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | com.sfo
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | com.shellus
 0.00  0.02        94277        2 | com.simplot
 0.04  0.03       216689       39 | com.sirius
 0.05  0.04       239996       58 | com.slic
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | com.sota-oh
 0.05  0.05       327319       50 | com.sprintcorp.fon
 0.06  0.04       256422       63 | com.sri
 0.00  0.00         1075        4 | com.stix
 0.04  0.03       188848       40 | com.sun
 0.01  0.01        65514        8 | com.superaje
 0.05  0.05       293547       58 | com.surfsouth
 0.10  0.08       500414      102 | com.sybase
 0.03  0.02       149778       31 | com.synerdyne
 0.00  0.00         1075        4 | com.synetics.hq
 0.02  0.02       106025       17 | com.tarimar
 0.01  0.00          588        6 | com.tconl
 0.00  0.00          360        2 | com.tde
 0.00  0.00        24756        1 | com.tdsbbs
 0.05  0.07       458994       56 | com.techinter
 0.09  0.10       604383       96 | com.techline
 0.01  0.01        61065        7 | com.teknetwork.ppp
 0.13  0.25      1569531      137 | com.telcomplus
 0.37  0.46      2868930      396 | com.telia
 0.00  0.00        23392        2 | com.teradyne
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | com.texaco
 0.04  0.03       165395       39 | com.tiac.ma.bedfo.ts10
 0.04  0.04       272834       46 | com.tiac.ma.glouc.gw1
 0.01  0.01        41670        9 | com.tiac.ma.harwi.gw1
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | com.tir
 0.02  0.01        74557       22 | com.totcon
 0.00  0.01        53795        4 | com.transquest
 0.01  0.00        29306        6 | com.triax
 0.00  0.01        41680        4 | com.trytel
 0.01  0.01        34005        6 | com.tscnet
 0.09  0.12       779074       96 | com.twi
 0.11  0.13       811595      114 | com.ub
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | com.up.upt.slrh
 0.00  0.00         1778        1 | com.usinternet
 0.00  0.00        25334        5 | com.usiva
 0.00  0.00        24676        1 | com.uwin
 0.00  0.00        19005        1 | com.v-wave
 0.08  0.08       480852       81 | com.valunet
 0.02  0.02        95475       17 | com.verisign
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | com.viponline
 0.06  0.06       376252       66 | com.vivanet
 0.04  0.08       483649       41 | com.wcoil
 0.06  0.05       342667       62 | com.web-it-show.users
 0.02  0.03       160591       25 | com.webt
 0.03  0.03       166265       33 | com.well
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | com.west-assoc
 0.03  0.02       111136       29 | com.westol
 0.14  0.25      1576876      145 | com.wmg
 0.21  0.17      1065265      225 | com.wolsi
 0.01  0.02        96144       15 | com.wpl
 0.06  0.06       371276       59 | com.wspice
 0.03  0.03       192876       36 | com.zelacom.me1
 0.12  0.12       745819      129 | cr.co.racsa
 0.01  0.01        38635        9 | cz.cesnet
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | cz.mopos
 0.07  0.07       440214       70 | cz.muni.ascs
 0.00  0.00        14161        4 | cz.osanet
 0.00  0.00         7492        4 | cz.top
 0.07  0.07       459980       77 | de.baynet.hof
 0.05  0.06       378607       58 | de.cww
 0.31  0.26      1649904      328 | de.dtag.btx
 0.06  0.07       438398       60 | de.eunet.du
 0.08  0.04       278196       81 | de.eunet.j
 0.02  0.01        78960       24 | de.fto
 0.05  0.04       248371       54 | de.hu-berlin.rz
 0.15  0.33      2028182      159 | de.metronet
 0.06  0.09       547044       66 | de.provi.hh
 0.08  0.07       441802       85 | de.snafu.berlin
 0.02  0.02       129507       22 | de.uni-bonn.rhrz
 0.03  0.02       117941       28 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz
 0.02  0.01        73046       18 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | de.uni-hannover.tci
 0.07  0.13       831943       75 | de.uni-karlsruhe.physik
 0.05  0.04       252774       50 | de.uni-kassel.medien
 0.00  0.01        36238        5 | de.uni-koeln.rrz
 0.01  0.01        33644        7 | de.uni-marburg.stud-ppp
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | de.uni-muenster
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | de.uni-sb
 0.07  0.07       419447       72 | de.uni-stuttgart.wh
 0.02  0.01        64601       17 | de.werum
 0.05  0.04       223617       58 | de.wolfsburg
 0.05  0.03       207486       52 | dk.tele.alb
 0.02  0.02       130617       26 | dk.tele.bir
 0.03  0.07       417033       28 | do.net.codetel
 0.12  0.19      1196986      125 | edu.bc
 0.03  0.02       147243       28 | edu.berkeley.hip
 0.09  0.09       577703       91 | edu.bgsm.net
 0.18  0.35      2151983      189 | edu.bgsu
 0.09  0.13       841104       91 | edu.bu
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | edu.butler.student-lab
 0.02  0.00         8094       20 | edu.byu
 0.06  0.08       505223       59 | edu.calstatela
 0.05  0.04       238200       50 | edu.caltech
 0.01  0.00        29306        6 | edu.cbu
 0.08  0.10       604329       86 | edu.cmu.me
 0.00  0.00        30817        5 | edu.cocc
 0.07  0.07       426276       69 | edu.colorado
 0.09  0.17      1074933       95 | edu.colostate.slip
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | edu.cornell.chem
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | edu.cornell.cit
 0.00  0.02        94290        4 | edu.cornell.tc
 0.01  0.01        59710       13 | edu.csuchico.dip
 0.02  0.02       135250       25 | edu.cwru.elp
 0.03  0.02       141336       28 | edu.duke.ee
 0.07  0.10       645953       71 | edu.duke.mc
 0.00  0.00        13915        4 | edu.emerson.it
 0.02  0.02       123054       16 | edu.fiu
 0.78  1.01      6276392      824 | edu.fsu.acns
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | edu.gallaudet
 0.04  0.03       184691       41 | edu.gasou.sta
 0.04  0.04       219890       41 | edu.gatech.adgrp
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | edu.gatech.iac
 0.04  0.09       567176       45 | edu.gatech.oit
 0.01  0.02       102106        6 | edu.gmu
 0.05  0.06       353390       57 | edu.harvard.student
 0.08  0.12       748093       88 | edu.hawaii.dialup
 0.04  0.03       203740       40 | edu.hawaii.hern
 0.07  0.11       671151       72 | edu.hpu
 0.01  0.02       155609       15 | edu.hscsyr.cs
 0.00  0.01        36538        2 | edu.ilstu.orl
 0.01  0.00         7325       13 | edu.indiana.ucs
 0.16  0.16       969956      173 | edu.iupui.dialin
 0.01  0.00          686        7 | edu.jhu.hcf
 0.03  0.05       318006       36 | edu.jhu.ppp
 0.01  0.01        64451       10 | edu.ksu.lab
 0.03  0.03       169952       27 | edu.lcsc
 0.01  0.00          784        8 | edu.lehigh.dept
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | edu.louisville.instructional
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | edu.lsu.zool
 0.01  0.01        41234        8 | edu.luc.medctr
 0.06  0.07       437725       65 | edu.maricopa.emc
 0.01  0.00        24566        6 | edu.mc3
 0.00  0.00        12070        5 | edu.middlebury
 0.02  0.02       106025       17 | edu.missouri
 0.05  0.03       212716       49 | edu.mit
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | edu.mit.ll
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | edu.monroecc.ale
 0.04  0.03       210650       45 | edu.montana.oscs
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | edu.msstate.ts2
 0.08  0.08       507864       84 | edu.ncsu.dialup
 0.17  0.29      1789594      177 | edu.ncsu.unity
 0.09  0.07       417356       95 | edu.nd.student
 0.05  0.03       180856       50 | edu.nlu.net3
 0.02  0.01        61925       18 | edu.nmu
 0.16  0.20      1222745      165 | edu.nodak.ndsu.cc
 0.03  0.03       193289       36 | edu.nwu.nuts
 0.01  0.02       117787       11 | edu.ohio-state.acs
 0.04  0.03       203923       47 | edu.ohio-state.eng
 0.06  0.17      1040887       65 | edu.ohio-state.homenet
 0.02  0.03       173343       17 | edu.ohio-state.uts
 0.02  0.01        62762       18 | edu.okstate.stflabs
 0.00  0.00         9420        1 | edu.okstate.wh
 0.00  0.00        14779        4 | edu.orst.testlab
 0.00  0.00        14525        3 | edu.orst.ucs
 0.00  0.00        23392        2 | edu.oswego
 0.00  0.00         2401        2 | edu.ou.grad
 0.07  0.03       216859       78 | edu.pitt.net.rmt
 0.08  0.12       738067       87 | edu.pitt.wpic
 0.04  0.06       348207       44 | edu.psu.cac
 0.01  0.00        25607        6 | edu.psu.pubs
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | edu.purdue.ecn
 0.01  0.01        58935       15 | edu.rice
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | edu.rochester.bcs
 0.01  0.02       117787       11 | edu.samford
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | edu.scu
 0.05  0.06       389336       54 | edu.sdsmt
 0.01  0.00         1005        6 | edu.sfsu
 0.09  0.09       536033       95 | edu.ship.cc.galley
 0.09  0.07       446387       91 | edu.siu.aixdialin
 0.00  0.00        13826        5 | edu.smu.storey-dev
 0.04  0.03       191746       43 | edu.sonoma
 0.11  0.10       595624      118 | edu.stanford
 0.00  0.00         2953        1 | edu.stolaf.residents
 0.10  0.16       988684      108 | edu.tcu.chm
 0.10  0.08       492061      101 | edu.temple.ocis
 0.10  0.13       807389      101 | edu.tmc.uth.hsc
 0.00  0.00         9420        1 | edu.tstc
 0.06  0.04       241382       66 | edu.ucla.anderson
 0.00  0.01        36538        2 | edu.ucla.ee
 0.02  0.01        38400       21 | edu.ucla.icsl
 0.08  0.08       518335       87 | edu.ucla.ts.wla
 0.03  0.02       106789       34 | edu.ucsb.resnet
 0.05  0.05       335663       56 | edu.ucsf
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | edu.uh.public-dialups
 0.06  0.07       433567       62 | edu.uidaho.csrv
 0.09  0.09       549550       98 | edu.uis
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | edu.uiuc.slip
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | edu.umass.remote
 0.04  0.04       276772       46 | edu.umd.cs
 0.01  0.01        85540        9 | edu.umd.fsu
 0.04  0.02       145442       45 | edu.umich.med.subnet-133
 0.10  0.11       659864      104 | edu.umn.dialup
 0.00  0.00        23392        2 | edu.unc.hsl
 0.02  0.13       802834       20 | edu.unh
 0.00  0.00        30793        1 | edu.uni
 0.00  0.00         2953        1 | edu.unl
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | edu.unt.dialup.premium.local.server1
 0.04  0.04       253989       42 | edu.uoregon
 0.02  0.02       133315       16 | edu.upenn
 0.02  0.00        25744       26 | edu.upenn.nursing
 0.00  0.00        12067        5 | edu.uri.gso
 0.12  0.11       682075      128 | edu.usc
 0.03  0.04       225108       37 | edu.uscolo
 0.03  0.03       159589       31 | edu.usf.arts
 0.03  0.02       109262       28 | edu.usu.omlib
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | edu.usu.xy1
 0.00  0.00          781        1 | edu.utah.med
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | edu.utep.lacit
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | edu.utexas.en
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | edu.utexas.ots
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | edu.utk.cas
 0.01  0.00        17348        9 | edu.utk.rmt
 0.10  0.08       480692      104 | edu.utmem
 0.02  0.01        73046       18 | edu.uwf.shark
 0.00  0.00        23474        2 | edu.uwyo
 0.00  0.01        36440        1 | edu.vcu.ace
 0.20  0.37      2293133      212 | edu.virginia.bootp
 0.00  0.00         5734        1 | edu.virginia.clas
 0.02  0.02       110056       26 | edu.virginia.itc
 0.02  0.01        64545       16 | edu.vt.cns.sl053
 0.02  0.01        78212       17 | edu.washington.student
 0.01  0.01        85540        9 | edu.wellesley
 0.11  0.13       804070      118 | edu.whitman
 0.02  0.02       106025       17 | edu.wisc.net
 0.01  0.00        29846        8 | edu.wright
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | edu.wrightinst
 0.02  0.02       147226       23 | edu.wvnet.dialup
 0.05  0.04       239592       57 | edu.wvnet.wvn
 0.00  0.00        24676        1 | edu.yale.cis
 0.01  0.00        29406        9 | ee.eenet.loss
 0.09  0.08       513657       95 | es.arrakis
 0.02  0.02       114197       21 | es.bitel
 0.12  0.09       579657      124 | es.ctv
 0.07  0.05       326066       70 | es.ehu.lc
 0.01  0.02       148966       13 | es.ibernet
 0.05  0.03       200172       54 | es.infase
 0.07  0.06       391018       69 | es.recol
 0.00  0.00         5909        1 | es.rediris
 0.03  0.04       230994       29 | es.servicom.mad
 0.08  0.08       468745       85 | es.teleline.radius
 0.00  0.00          804        3 | es.uniovi.cpd
 0.02  0.02       103829       20 | es.uv.sib
 0.09  0.07       452711       91 | fi.eunet
 0.04  0.04       233605       45 | fi.helsinki.cs
 0.01  0.00        15365        7 | fi.helsinki.pc
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | fi.inet.dial
 0.03  0.03       158512       32 | fi.kareltek
 0.08  0.04       237679       82 | fi.kolumbus
 0.13  0.17      1059661      134 | fi.metsateho
 0.06  0.07       428957       62 | fi.pp
 0.05  0.05       340406       56 | fi.uiah
 0.01  0.01        31503        9 | fr.aurecvideo
 0.08  0.07       416801       84 | fr.ens-fcl.fontenay
 0.03  0.04       261988       30 | fr.imaginet.lyonsiris
 0.11  0.10       633833      113 | fr.imaginet.paris
 0.01  0.00         8079        9 | fr.infonie
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | fr.magic
 0.03  0.02       144875       29 | fr.neptune
 0.04  0.04       241692       45 | fr.tm.cybercable
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | fr.uplift
 0.27  0.38      2369733      286 | fr.wanadoo
 0.02  0.02       128711       24 | gov.fnal
 0.01  0.00         1112        8 | gov.house
 0.04  0.03       203403       44 | gov.loc
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | gov.nasa.jpl
 0.03  0.02       155548       30 | gov.nasa.ksc
 0.05  0.06       369659       51 | gov.noaa.nhc
 0.01  0.00        15450        7 | gov.osha.osha-no
 0.01  0.01        81840        9 | gov.senate
 0.00  0.00        12067        5 | gov.usps
 0.00  0.00        15026        2 | gr.ariadne-t.aua
 0.02  0.02        94515       26 | gr.auth.ccf
 0.07  0.07       409891       70 | gr.groovy
 0.07  0.14       853174       75 | gr.net.spark
 0.01  0.01        75116       12 | gr.nyx
 0.07  0.11       696968       77 | hk.net.spider
 0.19  0.22      1389194      202 | hr.tel
 0.01  0.01        44349       10 | id.net.cbn
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | ie.indigo.limerick
 0.07  0.07       435413       72 | il.ac
 0.00  0.00         9886        2 | il.co.chief
 0.07  0.05       300095       75 | il.net.access
 0.02  0.00        10387       17 | is.isnet
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | is.mmedia
 0.06  0.05       306002       68 | is.skima
 0.07  0.11       706736       72 | it.asianet.asy05
 0.01  0.01        60522       13 | it.ats
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | it.cselt
 0.10  0.12       753384      101 | it.easynet
 0.06  0.04       249735       59 | it.flashnet
 0.00  0.00         8071        3 | it.imc
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | it.indi
 0.00  0.00          272        1 | it.iue
 0.29  0.28      1744473      308 | it.iunet
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | it.nettuno
 0.01  0.00        29075        8 | it.nline
 0.06  0.05       292900       60 | it.pisa.sirt
 0.01  0.01        57448        8 | it.pointel
 0.03  0.05       339702       33 | it.promonet
 0.04  0.05       325057       47 | it.queen
 0.03  0.04       250982       27 | it.sgs-thomson
 0.46  0.43      2700117      489 | it.tin
 0.03  0.04       277635       29 | it.tvol
 0.01  0.00        25257        7 | it.utovrm.ccd
 0.01  0.01        57245       14 | it.vol
 0.12  0.29      1776795      126 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.ecc.hongo
 0.01  0.01        34094       13 | jp.ad.aaa
 0.03  0.00        13956       34 | jp.ad.mesh.os
 0.01  0.01        47818       12 | jp.ad.mesh.tk
 0.00  0.02        93535        2 | jp.ad.tokyonet
 0.02  0.01        89801       18 | jp.co.unisys
 0.04  0.03       214692       45 | jp.ne.ocn.tokyo
 0.03  0.03       172458       30 | jp.or.aif
 0.04  0.02       152152       40 | jp.or.aimnet
 0.11  0.12       751372      117 | jp.or.alles.hiroshima
 0.08  0.08       478516       88 | jp.or.asahi-net
 0.01  0.00         1274       13 | jp.or.coralnet
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | jp.or.dtinet.kobe
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | jp.or.dtinet.tokyo
 0.03  0.03       183367       36 | jp.or.egg.tnis.sendai
 0.03  0.03       190095       32 | jp.or.fsinet
 0.05  0.04       231412       58 | jp.or.iij4u.p080
 0.05  0.03       205624       49 | jp.or.iij4u.p082
 0.03  0.00        19700       33 | jp.or.infobears
 0.34  0.37      2302854      357 | jp.or.infoweb.ppp
 0.07  0.07       415140       78 | jp.or.infoweb.x25
 0.07  0.05       335326       69 | jp.or.interlink.max.kitakyu
 0.06  0.04       240527       65 | jp.or.interlink.max.tokyo2
 0.00  0.00         1778        1 | jp.or.interwave
 0.02  0.01        78975       17 | jp.or.justnet.ppp
 0.08  0.06       402310       87 | jp.or.kcn
 0.02  0.01        85275       23 | jp.or.kyoto-inet
 0.13  0.18      1109272      140 | jp.or.luice
 0.05  0.04       225793       55 | jp.or.mahoroba
 0.07  0.03       215324       72 | jp.or.mbn.chiba
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | jp.or.mbn.yokohama
 0.30  0.29      1795078      321 | jp.or.msn
 0.00  0.00          360        2 | jp.or.net135
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | jp.or.nsknet.kanazawa2
 0.02  0.01        75746       24 | jp.or.rnet.ppp13001
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | jp.or.so-net
 0.15  0.11       669504      164 | jp.or.so-net.ap.pppp
 0.04  0.02       139858       45 | jp.or.threewebnet.osk
 0.08  0.09       557355       87 | kr.co.ktnet
 0.11  0.10       648343      113 | kr.nm.kren
 0.04  0.03       161772       47 | lb.com.bignet
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | lb.com.inco
 0.01  0.01        49613        9 | lb.net.dm
 0.02  0.01        77871       22 | lv.riga
 0.01  0.01        48067       10 | mil.af.usafa
 0.02  0.02       138203       26 | mil.arl
 0.01  0.00         5971       10 | mil.navy.nps.oc
 0.04  0.03       182614       42 | mu.intnet
 0.15  0.22      1397379      156 | mx.com.internet
 0.07  0.05       321316       74 | mx.com.mpsnet
 0.24  0.42      2648817      249 | mx.net.data
 0.05  0.03       210464       53 | mx.udlap.pue
 0.06  0.08       475154       67 | my.gov.forestry
 0.07  0.07       444405       73 | my.jaring
 0.05  0.04       244349       50 | my.jaring.brf42
 0.02  0.01        87341       25 | my.jaring.brf47
 0.01  0.01        68923       12 | my.jaring.brf64
 0.09  0.14       868809       91 | my.jaring.ptl40
 0.21  0.15       924319      221 | my.net.tm
 0.01  0.01        52166        8 | na.com.is
 0.02  0.02       150685       18 | net.acadia
 0.04  0.04       241273       42 | net.acadiacom
 0.04  0.06       351513       42 | net.accucomm
 0.03  0.03       206099       30 | net.acsworld
 0.22  0.21      1301971      233 | net.agt
 0.04  0.05       288731       42 | net.alaska
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.apci
 0.01  0.01        54160       13 | net.aracnet
 0.00  0.00          526        2 | net.aristotle
 0.03  0.06       389468       34 | net.arn.ama
 0.06  0.04       239849       64 | net.asiaonline
 0.10  0.12       777374      101 | net.atlantic
 0.03  0.02       129251       30 | net.atreide
 0.01  0.01        57245       14 | net.att.dial-access.ca.los-angeles-002
 0.03  0.01        67418       33 | net.att.dial-access.ca.los-angeles-003
 0.14  0.24      1497201      149 | net.att.dial-access.ca.los-angeles-007
 0.03  0.02       150030       31 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-001
 0.05  0.05       313534       52 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-004
 0.07  0.06       398349       71 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-007
 0.04  0.05       341347       41 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-009
 0.09  0.07       428233       98 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-025
 0.02  0.02       106025       17 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-jose-003
 0.01  0.01        51158        6 | net.att.dial-access.ca.santa-ana-002
 0.01  0.01        70058        8 | net.att.dial-access.fl.ft-lauderdale-001
 0.00  0.00        19080        5 | net.att.dial-access.fl.ft-lauderdale-003
 0.08  0.13       835100       82 | net.att.dial-access.fl.miami-001
 0.06  0.08       482974       63 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-007
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-008
 0.03  0.03       163939       33 | net.att.dial-access.ga.atlanta-017
 0.05  0.03       164070       51 | net.att.dial-access.hi.honolulu-001
 0.04  0.05       326810       46 | net.att.dial-access.il.chicago-003
 0.05  0.04       255615       51 | net.att.dial-access.il.chicago-035
 0.05  0.00         8373       56 | net.att.dial-access.la.new-orleans-001
 0.09  0.07       424169       91 | net.att.dial-access.la.new-orleans-003
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.att.dial-access.ma.cambridge-001
 0.02  0.01        85396       19 | net.att.dial-access.ma.cambridge-003
 0.02  0.02       121952       21 | net.att.dial-access.mn.minneapolis-005
 0.05  0.05       298779       53 | net.att.dial-access.mo.bridgeton-002
 0.06  0.05       326886       66 | net.att.dial-access.mo.kansas-city-003
 0.07  0.09       576347       71 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-002
 0.06  0.05       287978       66 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-007
 0.03  0.02       154489       34 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-008
 0.05  0.07       415370       48 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-014
 0.01  0.00        28156        6 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-028
 0.04  0.01        73425       43 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-031
 0.02  0.01        86404       17 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-001
 0.04  0.04       276679       43 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-002
 0.10  0.11       665255      107 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-003
 0.04  0.05       302123       46 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-004
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-009
 0.01  0.00        11538        6 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-010
 0.05  0.04       234703       48 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-021
 0.01  0.02       118661       13 | net.att.dial-access.oh.cleveland-002
 0.04  0.05       286447       40 | net.att.dial-access.pa.philadelphia-002
 0.07  0.08       518243       69 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-009
 0.04  0.04       220905       47 | net.att.dial-access.tx.houston-003
 0.04  0.05       280725       47 | net.att.dial-access.va.arlington-004
 0.01  0.01        74171       13 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-004
 0.01  0.01        41024        7 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-064
 0.07  0.05       321881       70 | net.att.ico
 0.05  0.04       266073       50 | net.bcl
 0.03  0.02       122691       29 | net.bellatlantic
 0.10  0.20      1234656      101 | net.bellsouth.atl
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | net.bellsouth.bhm
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.bellsouth.mco
 0.01  0.01        56777        9 | net.bellsouth.mem
 0.07  0.10       616608       75 | net.bellsouth.mia
 0.06  0.06       402251       66 | net.bellsouth.msy
 0.02  0.02       104861       25 | net.bess
 0.03  0.03       160020       33 | net.bestweb
 0.11  0.23      1451540      119 | net.bigger.sj
 0.06  0.09       561643       67 | net.border
 0.21  0.18      1148673      218 | net.bright.dial
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.buffnet
 0.07  0.06       395188       73 | net.caguas
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.cancom
 0.09  0.09       539533       98 | net.capecod
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.capital.qnsbny1
 0.10  0.06       402787      101 | net.caribe
 0.01  0.01        45772       10 | net.cconnect
 0.11  0.15       921910      112 | net.ccse
 0.01  0.05       285210       15 | net.centuryinter.ms
 0.05  0.04       221042       48 | net.centuryinter.sc
 0.02  0.02       138203       26 | net.chattanooga
 0.03  0.03       166101       36 | net.cheshire
 0.05  0.08       524144       53 | net.chevalier
 0.02  0.02        96170       17 | net.citynet
 0.04  0.03       216529       40 | net.clara
 0.15  0.17      1062237      159 | net.cmpu
 0.14  0.25      1539694      148 | net.colba
 0.00  0.00        11799        4 | net.compunet
 0.07  0.05       332573       72 | net.comsource
 0.18  0.23      1413326      195 | net.concentric
 0.04  0.03       169703       38 | net.concentric.bro-ma
 0.09  0.08       504936       98 | net.concentric.buf-ny
 0.03  0.02       130256       27 | net.concentric.chi-il
 0.01  0.01        58258        7 | net.concentric.cin-oh
 0.16  0.17      1029496      167 | net.concentric.cup-ca
 0.00  0.00          267        1 | net.concentric.dal-tx
 0.09  0.10       615624       95 | net.concentric.fnt-mi
 0.04  0.04       258584       38 | net.concentric.hem-ny
 0.05  0.06       363246       54 | net.concentric.hou-tx
 0.02  0.03       174335       26 | net.concentric.lap-ca
 0.07  0.07       465526       78 | net.concentric.lax-ca
 0.08  0.11       679706       80 | net.concentric.mns-mn
 0.01  0.01        35715        7 | net.concentric.pek-il
 0.05  0.03       176784       52 | net.concentric.stl-mo
 0.00  0.01        36538        2 | net.connex.barrie
 0.00  0.00          278        2 | net.creative
 0.06  0.06       397166       66 | net.crosslink.us.va.king-george.pm2
 0.04  0.04       244736       41 | net.csolve
 0.12  0.21      1303339      127 | net.csrlink
 0.09  0.01        79426       97 | net.ctm.macau
 0.05  0.04       229580       48 | net.cyberbeach.sudbury
 0.05  0.05       339058       49 | net.cyberhighway.mga
 0.01  0.00        20678        7 | net.cyberhighway.mth
 0.07  0.05       314557       73 | net.cybermax
 0.19  0.21      1337031      201 | net.cyberramp
 0.03  0.03       164303       27 | net.d-n-a
 0.00  0.00        15801        4 | net.dakotacom
 0.06  0.05       337079       59 | net.dhc
 0.02  0.03       189210       21 | net.dial-up
 0.61  0.80      4977673      642 | net.dialsprint
 0.01  0.01        72199       12 | net.dls
 0.02  0.02       135161       20 | net.dsuper
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.dtc.ts1
 0.03  0.06       352858       31 | net.earthcom
 0.40  0.68      4246786      427 | net.earthlink
 0.01  0.00        20479        6 | net.earthlink.dialup.la-ca-us
 0.01  0.01        66383       10 | net.earthlink.dialup.us.ca.pasadena
 0.00  0.01        36636        3 | net.earthlink.dynip.us.ca.canoga-park.max2
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | net.eclipse
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.ee.columbus
 0.03  0.02       149245       30 | net.elim
 0.04  0.01        64264       39 | net.emanon.mt-holly
 0.14  0.18      1150958      143 | net.en
 0.03  0.02       132969       37 | net.enter
 0.01  0.00        19739        6 | net.epix
 0.01  0.00        15450        7 | net.eri.spring
 0.00  0.00        24936        2 | net.erie
 0.03  0.04       267245       35 | net.etheron
 0.05  0.04       255521       51 | net.express-news
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | net.fidalgo
 0.16  0.20      1250142      168 | net.flash
 0.03  0.02       120258       36 | net.freeway
 0.01  0.01        85062        8 | net.frontiernet.monroe.dial
 0.05  0.06       378776       56 | net.frontiernet.roc.dial
 0.11  0.25      1547455      119 | net.fuse
 0.02  0.02        93729       25 | net.g1.db3
 0.00  0.00        30995        4 | net.garlic.sm1
 0.02  0.01        80120       19 | net.gate
 0.02  0.01        57250       16 | net.gdi
 0.04  0.09       545669       46 | net.germany
 0.08  0.08       476400       90 | net.getonthe.ctg147
 0.06  0.04       266482       67 | net.global-one.br
 0.01  0.02       149593       11 | net.globalserve
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.globalvision
 0.05  0.06       372466       57 | net.gn-intl.atl
 0.00  0.01        36440        1 | net.gn-intl.aug5
 0.00  0.00          443        2 | net.golden.cas
 0.01  0.01        83153       14 | net.grid.atln
 0.02  0.02       125492       25 | net.gte
 0.11  0.11       673630      117 | net.gtn
 0.06  0.05       326962       60 | net.guam.kuentos
 0.06  0.03       194688       61 | net.gwi
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | net.hicom
 0.15  0.18      1134468      158 | net.hiline
 0.05  0.02       119618       53 | net.hkstar
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | net.hogia
 0.03  0.03       165275       33 | net.hookup.hfx
 0.06  0.04       242691       68 | net.hula
 0.07  0.12       746905       69 | net.i4u
 0.01  0.01        34005        6 | net.iadfw.its
 0.13  0.14       861010      142 | net.iadfw.ppp
 0.01  0.01        57245       14 | net.iamerica
 0.00  0.01        36440        1 | net.ibm.au.sy
 0.00  0.01        69004        2 | net.ibm.br.ri
 0.11  0.16      1012183      116 | net.ibm.ca.bc
 0.02  0.05       331726       25 | net.ibm.ca.on
 0.04  0.05       295712       47 | net.ibm.ca.pq
 0.05  0.04       246604       51 | net.ibm.ch.zu
 0.16  0.26      1637598      168 | net.ibm.id.jk
 0.02  0.01        84350       17 | net.ibm.nl.utr
 0.02  0.01        72982       18 | net.ibm.ph.ma
 0.00  0.00          272        1 | net.ibm.us
 0.00  0.01        62816        1 | net.ibm.us.ca
 0.03  0.02       139126       32 | net.ibm.us.fl
 0.08  0.08       496921       82 | net.ibm.us.ma
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | net.ibm.us.nc
 0.01  0.01        47835        8 | net.ibm.us.ny
 0.05  0.03       199616       54 | net.ibm.us.tx
 0.03  0.02       151503       28 | net.ibm.us.va
 0.00  0.01        49332        1 | net.ibm.us.wa
 0.06  0.07       411890       66 | net.ican.montreal-01
 0.05  0.04       256150       53 | net.ican.montreal-02
 0.13  0.12       736085      134 | net.icanect.mia.ascend04.p1
 0.01  0.01        48818        9 | net.ici
 0.05  0.04       241218       52 | net.icon
 0.02  0.01        91403       25 | net.idt.chi.ts-3
 0.00  0.01        40038        3 | net.idt.dc.ts-2
 0.08  0.10       608352       87 | net.idt.lax.ts-2
 0.03  0.03       204995       37 | net.idt.min.ts-1
 0.00  0.00        16564        1 | net.idt.mlb.ts-1
 0.06  0.05       284999       65 | net.idt.nyc.ts-3
 0.01  0.01        80354        8 | net.ilinks
 0.01  0.01        75264       13 | net.ilos
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.im4u
 0.07  0.08       496866       77 | net.imperium
 0.13  0.13       786664      135 | net.infi.annap
 0.03  0.02       144263       31 | net.infi.avp
 0.00  0.00          344        1 | net.infi.dcwt
 0.07  0.08       478913       75 | net.infi.fwa
 0.08  0.09       537089       86 | net.infi.lns
 0.07  0.07       424261       79 | net.infi.orf
 0.01  0.01        45306        9 | net.infi.phl
 0.07  0.08       506716       78 | net.infi.richmond
 0.03  0.02       112876       31 | net.infi.sjc
 0.07  0.11       671273       76 | net.infi.vegas
 0.05  0.05       282198       56 | net.infoave.nchgpt.r11
 0.03  0.02       153630       31 | net.infoave.scptvl.r1
 0.01  0.00         2144        8 | net.infohigh
 0.02  0.02       117759       24 | net.innet.be
 0.06  0.05       301676       64 | net.inreach.stk
 0.01  0.01        34637        8 | net.insolwwb
 0.06  0.05       333884       66 | net.intercom
 0.01  0.00        15365        7 | net.interhop.mstn
 0.00  0.00         2792        2 | net.internetland
 0.04  0.04       223714       40 | net.interpow
 0.03  0.06       378702       37 | net.intr.dua1-1
 0.10  0.11       692697      102 | net.inxpress
 0.00  0.01        53004        2 | net.iolinc
 0.10  0.08       488417      106 | net.iphil.dialup
 0.06  0.04       277773       61 | net.iquest
 0.03  0.02       128460       28 | net.isdnet
 0.02  0.01        79748       18 | net.island
 0.04  0.12       732474       38 | net.isp.sc.1001
 0.13  0.15       912973      139 | net.kachina
 0.00  0.01        32948        1 | net.kamp
 0.04  0.05       295772       46 | net.kansas
 0.00  0.00          196        2 | net.kdsi
 0.04  0.02       141574       41 | net.kersur
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | net.kih
 0.01  0.02       136387       13 | net.kuwait
 0.06  0.04       268724       59 | net.lancite
 0.05  0.05       293789       52 | net.lava
 0.09  0.11       703071       93 | net.lcc
 0.06  0.05       288860       61 | net.lightspeed
 0.01  0.02       112795        9 | net.linkonline
 0.05  0.07       417621       56 | net.login
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.ltec
 0.11  0.15       920393      116 | net.luminet
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | net.magibox
 0.00  0.00        12062        5 | net.magicnet
 0.00  0.00        21648        1 | net.mastnet
 0.02  0.01        46372       26 | net.maz
 0.07  0.09       539946       75 | net.mc
 0.03  0.02       153466       30 | net.mci.boston.mix2
 0.04  0.03       180987       45 | net.mci.campus.snaustel
 0.04  0.03       176126       39 | net.mci.campus.tnstate
 0.07  0.05       294973       72 | net.mci.campus.uky
 0.02  0.02        97128       21 | net.mci.losangeles
 0.00  0.01        34413        1 | net.mcn
 0.01  0.01        67088       14 | net.mdc
 0.01  0.01        32446        6 | net.mediaways
 0.07  0.07       450252       73 | net.megantic
 0.05  0.04       218599       50 | net.megsinet
 0.00  0.00        16744        2 | net.merlin
 0.17  0.11       687904      178 | net.mich.dialip
 0.08  0.05       330442       84 | net.micron.boi
 0.03  0.05       298999       32 | net.micron.ket
 0.04  0.04       279261       41 | net.microtec.mtl
 0.02  0.01        80738       25 | net.midtenn.crossville
 0.00  0.00         8381        1 | net.midusa.salina
 0.12  0.17      1072137      126 | net.midwest
 0.02  0.02        97253       18 | net.mind
 0.02  0.02       113725       21 | net.minn
 0.05  0.04       244141       53 | net.mis
 0.00  0.00        17639        5 | net.misslink
 0.00  0.01        77940        4 | net.miworld
 0.00  0.00         4943        1 | net.monad.rm
 0.12  0.17      1054980      128 | net.mr.nas
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.mts
 0.01  0.03       201052       12 | net.nai
 0.00  0.01        31764        3 | net.nauticom.net4
 0.10  0.09       579776      102 | net.nauticom.net7
 0.07  0.11       696217       73 | net.nb
 0.01  0.01        75521       10 | net.negia
 0.08  0.03       190036       82 | net.neocomm
 0.06  0.05       293063       60 | net.net-magic
 0.14  0.16      1006890      146 | net.netins.dialup
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.netropolis
 0.02  0.01        64601       17 | net.netrunner
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.netrus
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | net.netscope.tazewell
 0.04  0.06       381648       47 | net.netsurf
 0.00  0.00        24622        1 | net.netwalk
 0.08  0.12       760192       82 | net.neumedia.elkins
 0.00  0.00        18568        5 | net.nkn
 0.00  0.00          855        3 | net.nlanr.cache
 0.02  0.01        79623       21 | net.nlis
 0.05  0.03       193150       56 | net.nordwest
 0.06  0.05       281640       61 | net.nortel
 0.02  0.01        72764       22 | net.npcc
 0.10  0.20      1256198      107 | net.nt
 0.02  0.01        92868       18 | net.oz
 0.04  0.06       392905       47 | net.ozemail.proxy
 0.05  0.05       298991       55 | net.pa.franklin.chmbg
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.pacbell.irvn11
 0.03  0.02       103626       34 | net.pacbell.lsan03
 0.07  0.06       358823       77 | net.pacbell.nhwd02
 0.03  0.02       104353       27 | net.pacbell.rdcy01
 0.10  0.06       389461      105 | net.pacbell.rvsd01
 0.10  0.15       961729      101 | net.pacbell.scrm01
 0.16  0.19      1186469      167 | net.pacbell.snfc21
 0.08  0.13       814271       80 | net.pacbell.sntc01
 0.03  0.04       229963       33 | net.pacbell.vntrcs
 0.22  0.32      1998452      230 | net.pacbell.wnck11
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | net.pacificnet
 0.05  0.03       213902       52 | net.pacwan
 0.13  0.18      1109664      135 | net.pathway
 0.05  0.03       182187       53 | net.pcl
 0.08  0.07       456845       84 | net.pe
 0.01  0.00        17281       14 | net.pernet
 0.01  0.00        19090        9 | net.pgh.s5
 0.29  0.47      2914849      311 | net.pi
 0.03  0.01        79987       31 | net.pinehurst
 0.01  0.00        17722        8 | net.pipex
 0.01  0.00         1176       12 | net.premier.dialup
 0.03  0.01        85238       29 | net.prodigy
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.prodigy.flad3
 0.04  0.04       267828       42 | net.prodigy.la
 0.07  0.06       388658       72 | net.prodigy.lvga
 0.12  0.15       917309      122 | net.prodigy.nyc
 0.18  0.18      1151147      193 | net.prodigy.ykt
 0.03  0.01        60848       30 | net.psi.pub-ip.ca.los-angeles12
 0.00  0.02       125884        4 | net.psi.pub-ip.ct.new-haven
 0.00  0.00        18248        4 | net.psi.pub-ip.ga.atlanta4
 0.04  0.03       173754       42 | net.psi.pub-ip.ky.louisville
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.psi.pub-ip.ma.isdn2-boston
 0.03  0.02       119974       30 | net.psi.pub-ip.md.baltimore
 0.05  0.09       572981       53 | net.psi.pub-ip.mi.ann-arbor
 0.01  0.01        66833       13 | net.psi.pub-ip.mi.pontiac
 0.07  0.06       348268       69 | net.psi.pub-ip.nc.raleigh2
 0.03  0.04       234517       35 | net.psi.pub-ip.nj.newark3
 0.03  0.02       137437       27 | net.psi.pub-ip.ny.an5-new-york4
 0.06  0.07       427245       66 | net.psi.pub-ip.ok.tulsa3
 0.02  0.02       139875       25 | net.psi.pub-ip.sc.columbia2
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.richmond
 0.09  0.07       464533       99 | net.ptd.all
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.ptd.cli
 0.05  0.04       246824       48 | net.ptd.con
 0.00  0.01        44992        3 | net.ptd.ely
 0.00  0.01        36440        1 | net.ptd.haw
 0.00  0.00        24676        1 | net.ptd.lfd
 0.00  0.00        18511        5 | net.ptd.pcn
 0.14  0.21      1298972      145 | net.ptialaska.sitka
 0.01  0.01        51091       12 | net.ptialaska.soldotna
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | net.public
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.qis
 0.01  0.00        18836       10 | net.radiks
 0.10  0.10       616015      105 | net.rconnect
 0.07  0.06       351860       71 | net.redrose
 0.07  0.09       530110       69 | net.rfci
 0.08  0.11       686719       82 | net.ricochet
 0.16  0.11       679953      166 | net.rmci
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | net.rpa
 0.07  0.11       668782       71 | net.sabre
 0.00  0.00         5224        3 | net.saix.gt
 0.01  0.00        26839        8 | net.sat
 0.06  0.04       262788       65 | net.scsn
 0.06  0.06       372505       60 | net.seicom
 0.02  0.02        95701       25 | net.sequel.infocom
 0.07  0.12       719568       78 | net.shelbynet
 0.17  0.32      2004175      184 | net.shore.port
 0.03  0.05       320255       33 | net.skyinet.qzn.mb01
 0.08  0.08       526124       84 | net.slip.dialup
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.smartnet
 0.20  0.18      1147331      211 | net.snet
 0.04  0.02       154665       40 | net.snip
 0.03  0.02       154235       31 | net.southeast
 0.08  0.05       293729       84 | net.speednet
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.startext
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | net.stc
 0.03  0.04       241629       33 | net.stn
 0.02  0.02       151416       25 | net.superlink
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | net.sure
 0.02  0.02       128361       23 | net.swbell.hstntx
 0.10  0.18      1126065      109 | net.swbell.kscymo
 0.00  0.01        34413        1 | net.swbell.rcsntx
 0.03  0.02       154870       27 | net.swbell.wchtks
 0.03  0.02       135986       34 | net.synet
 0.01  0.00        29306        6 | net.taconic
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | net.tbaytel
 0.14  0.10       651190      146 | net.tcccom
 0.01  0.03       179181       12 | net.tcn
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.tdi.modems
 0.03  0.03       169229       35 | net.tds.blrg
 0.00  0.00         5168        1 | net.telstra
 0.01  0.01        43163        9 | net.texas.sat
 0.00  0.01        36440        1 | net.tfs
 0.03  0.02       140976       37 | net.thecia.ts2
 0.00  0.01        34413        1 | net.themall
 0.01  0.01        33336        7 | net.tip.ita
 0.00  0.01        52513        5 | net.tis.bhm
 0.00  0.00         3210        2 | net.together.ramp
 0.01  0.01        89754        6 | net.torfree
 0.17  0.18      1097911      178 | net.total.mtl
 0.00  0.00        19005        1 | net.total.tor
 0.00  0.01        67051        1 | net.tusco
 0.02  0.02       106039       21 | net.tvs
 0.01  0.00         1176       12 | net.tvs.chk
 0.04  0.04       265892       39 | net.u-net.is2.ascend4
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | net.unicomp
 0.02  0.01        76266       20 | net.up
 0.00  0.01        36440        1 | net.usachoice
 0.08  0.13       784168       88 | net.usit.dynamic
 0.11  0.21      1303574      119 | net.uswest.phnx
 0.04  0.07       439955       43 | net.uswest.sttl
 0.05  0.03       175459       51 | net.uswest.utah
 0.02  0.01        77629       21 | net.uu.ms.ab.edmonton.max1
 0.01  0.01        66183       11 | net.uu.ms.az.phoenix.max4
 0.00  0.02       121636        5 | net.uu.ms.az.phoenix.max7
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | net.uu.ms.az.phoenix.max9
 0.00  0.00         1778        1 | net.uu.ms.bc.vancouver.max4
 0.01  0.01        39875       10 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max14
 0.02  0.02       133934       24 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max23
 0.01  0.02       110649       15 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max42
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max44
 0.02  0.01        80310       20 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max47
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max60
 0.01  0.00        27827        9 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max7
 0.02  0.02       121251       23 | net.uu.ms.ca.san-diego.max16
 0.00  0.00          514        2 | net.uu.ms.ca.san-francisco.max16
 0.02  0.01        70077       22 | net.uu.ms.ca.san-francisco2.max30
 0.09  0.14       855493      100 | net.uu.ms.ca.santa-clara.max10
 0.05  0.03       184378       54 | net.uu.ms.co.denver.max6
 0.08  0.09       547513       83 | net.uu.ms.co.denver.max7
 0.07  0.06       356630       76 | net.uu.ms.ct.hartford.max3
 0.01  0.01        39239        8 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max1
 0.00  0.00          263        1 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max15
 0.02  0.03       195805       21 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max21
 0.09  0.08       496417       94 | net.uu.ms.fl.miami.max10
 0.09  0.10       606298       96 | net.uu.ms.fl.miami.max5
 0.05  0.04       265658       48 | net.uu.ms.fl.miami.max8
 0.02  0.01        92849       18 | net.uu.ms.fl.orlando.max27
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | net.uu.ms.fl.orlando.max28
 0.01  0.01        48067       10 | net.uu.ms.fl.orlando.max5
 0.04  0.02       149827       39 | net.uu.ms.fl.orlando.max8
 0.06  0.04       226506       61 | net.uu.ms.fl.orlando.max9
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max10
 0.17  0.29      1806759      175 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max13
 0.00  0.00         8372        1 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max18
 0.01  0.02       115768        6 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max29
 0.00  0.00        23294        1 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max5
 0.05  0.06       352272       49 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max6
 0.07  0.06       355010       74 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max7
 0.02  0.01        73046       18 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max8
 0.01  0.02       142274       15 | net.uu.ms.il.chicago.max1
 0.02  0.01        80845       18 | net.uu.ms.il.chicago.max2
 0.04  0.08       487389       44 | net.uu.ms.il.chicago.max40
 0.07  0.01        54957       76 | net.uu.ms.il.chicago.max5
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | net.uu.ms.in.indianapolis.max4
 0.02  0.01        78685       21 | net.uu.ms.in.indianapolis.max5
 0.04  0.03       195355       47 | net.uu.ms.la.new-orleans.max14
 0.02  0.01        76341       18 | net.uu.ms.ma.boston.max21
 0.09  0.16      1010466       92 | net.uu.ms.ma.boston.max25
 0.01  0.01        31381       12 | net.uu.ms.ma.boston.max28
 0.01  0.01        57245       14 | net.uu.ms.ma.boston.max8
 0.04  0.03       180162       42 | net.uu.ms.mi.detroit.max12
 0.00  0.01        34413        1 | net.uu.ms.mi.detroit.max2
 0.00  0.00          272        1 | net.uu.ms.mi.detroit.max4
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | net.uu.ms.mi.detroit.max8
 0.00  0.01        66062        1 | net.uu.ms.mo.kansas-city.max1
 0.03  0.02       102714       36 | net.uu.ms.mo.kansas-city2.max2
 0.08  0.08       521172       87 | net.uu.ms.mo.st-louis.max1
 0.07  0.08       492761       72 | net.uu.ms.mo.st-louis.max5
 0.02  0.01        79735       16 | net.uu.ms.nj.newark.max13
 0.09  0.10       616038       92 | net.uu.ms.ny.new-york.max42
 0.08  0.15       958257       87 | net.uu.ms.ny.new-york.max49
 0.06  0.04       274289       66 | net.uu.ms.oh.cleveland.max14
 0.03  0.02       109530       29 | net.uu.ms.oh.cleveland.max28
 0.02  0.02       101946       25 | net.uu.ms.oh.cleveland.max31
 0.10  0.12       764159      103 | net.uu.ms.on.toronto.max5
 0.00  0.00        14161        4 | net.uu.ms.or.portland.max11
 0.07  0.06       364518       78 | net.uu.ms.or.portland.max6
 0.13  0.18      1119351      133 | net.uu.ms.pa.philadelphia.max27
 0.05  0.06       344362       55 | net.uu.ms.sc.columbia.max2
 0.03  0.02       111978       29 | net.uu.ms.tx.dallas.max13
 0.06  0.06       364629       67 | net.uu.ms.tx.dallas.max7
 0.01  0.01        67148       15 | net.uu.ms.tx.houston.max14
 0.00  0.01        38148        4 | net.uu.ms.tx.houston.max16
 0.08  0.13       817915       90 | net.uu.ms.tx.houston2.max12
 0.08  0.07       459218       81 | net.uu.ms.wa.seattle.max19
 0.03  0.02       153012       27 | net.uu.ms.wa.seattle.max22
 0.04  0.04       228405       39 | net.uu.ms.wa.seattle.max23
 0.04  0.03       161795       44 | net.uu.ms.wa.seattle.max4
 0.01  0.01        51149       11 | net.uu.ms.wa.seattle.max50
 0.01  0.02       149341        7 | net.valley-internet
 0.01  0.00         4998        6 | net.videotron.mmtl.105
 0.02  0.02       125048       17 | net.videotron.mmtl.135
 0.04  0.04       250202       44 | net.videotron.mque.80
 0.09  0.08       476171       94 | net.virgin.tch
 0.00  0.00          953        4 | net.vnet
 0.32  0.43      2685823      340 | net.webtv.bryant.iap
 0.01  0.00        29846        8 | net.webzone.ppp216
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | net.whois
 0.01  0.01        61784        8 | net.worldpath
 0.03  0.04       222781       29 | net.worldramp
 0.06  0.04       244285       68 | net.wownet.tpe
 0.07  0.07       425427       78 | net.wtp
 0.06  0.16       971225       65 | net.wvinter
 0.02  0.01        78464       19 | net.wwd
 0.12  0.10       595930      122 | net.ziplink
 0.08  0.11       674827       84 | net.zoomnet.gallipolis
 0.05  0.06       379848       58 | ni.com.tmx
 0.03  0.03       169645       28 | nl.demon
 0.03  0.03       166094       27 | nl.euronet.deu
 0.01  0.01        72603       14 | nl.rug.oprit
 0.06  0.07       466480       66 | nl.tip.pop
 0.10  0.12       775577      103 | nl.worldaccess
 0.17  0.11       713807      181 | nl.worldonline
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | nl.xs4all
 0.09  0.07       457425       97 | nl.xs4all.dial
 0.07  0.05       302598       75 | no.online
 0.06  0.08       469414       67 | no.online.dialup
 0.07  0.05       294973       72 | no.unit.groo
 0.06  0.06       357138       65 | nz.co.cybernet
 0.05  0.03       197988       57 | nz.co.voyager.auckland.net
 0.05  0.04       263748       56 | nz.co.wave
 0.12  0.07       457222      125 | nz.co.xtra
 0.00  0.00         2390        2 | nz.net.clear.acld
 0.01  0.00        29846        8 | org.aaas
 0.00  0.01        51185        4 | org.afn
 0.01  0.01        37205       10 | org.apa
 0.01  0.01        33934        7 | org.apc.glas
 0.03  0.02       136464       28 | org.cam.hip
 0.07  0.06       375533       75 | org.camp
 0.01  0.01        48122       15 | org.dorsai.ppp.dyn
 0.16  0.17      1068784      173 | org.eee
 0.01  0.04       233728        8 | org.freenet
 0.00  0.00         4943        1 | org.gnofn
 0.03  0.03       180670       30 | org.hal-pc
 0.04  0.04       258449       46 | org.ieee.usab
 0.03  0.06       357381       31 | org.kaiperm
 0.03  0.05       318214       37 | org.kpscal
 0.01  0.00        23076        9 | org.lhric
 0.07  0.05       336102       76 | org.ml.x-link
 0.00  0.00        12889        1 | org.nwf
 0.05  0.04       271027       56 | org.rand
 0.00  0.00        11799        4 | org.reggie
 0.00  0.01        48230        3 | org.rferl
 0.04  0.03       174503       42 | org.ssfhs
 0.08  0.08       504439       86 | org.wcnet
 0.03  0.02       139100       35 | org.wested
 0.00  0.01        64794        4 | org.wviz
 0.00  0.00        30817        5 | org.zzapp
 0.06  0.06       381637       66 | pe.com.cosapidata
 0.09  0.18      1139547       93 | ph.com.i-manila
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | pl.gda.pg.chem
 0.01  0.00        29858       12 | pl.tpnet.bydgoszcz
 0.05  0.03       181203       48 | pl.tpnet.gdansk
 0.03  0.02       137804       34 | pl.tpnet.gdynia
 0.06  0.05       323302       59 | pl.tpnet.warszawa
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | pl.tpnet.wroclaw
 0.00  0.00         2191        1 | pl.wroc.pwr
 0.19  0.19      1212355      203 | pt.telepac
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | qa.net.qatar
 0.02  0.02       107185       21 | ro.roknet
 0.00  0.00         2953        1 | ru.ccl
 0.06  0.05       302444       63 | ru.relcom.z194-58-100
 0.08  0.06       382989       89 | ru.sci-nnov
 0.08  0.11       690106       84 | se.algonet.ppp
 0.02  0.02       106025       17 | se.hks.utb
 0.08  0.11       710490       89 | se.ki.kib
 0.02  0.01        78960       24 | se.liu.isy
 0.10  0.23      1420671      104 | sg.ac.ntu
 0.12  0.18      1140053      123 | sg.com.cyberway
 0.23  0.23      1412409      239 | sg.com.singnet
 0.01  0.00        30212        6 | sg.com.swiftech
 0.21  0.31      1933720      227 | sg.net.pacific
 0.08  0.17      1058572       88 | si.ijs
 0.00  0.00          804        3 | sk.savba
 0.03  0.02       104786       28 | sk.stuba.cvt
 0.01  0.01        55809       13 | th.ac.au
 0.02  0.02       136316       25 | th.ac.bu
 0.06  0.04       258897       59 | th.ac.chula.eng
 0.05  0.04       234428       58 | th.ac.ku
 0.04  0.06       351778       43 | th.ac.spu
 0.02  0.02       113699       19 | th.co.inet
 0.05  0.03       191832       50 | th.co.loxinfo
 0.09  0.15       933742       95 | th.net.asiaaccess
 0.01  0.01        91479       14 | th.net.ksc
 0.01  0.01        48109       14 | th.or.nectec
 0.08  0.08       489348       89 | tr.edu.metu.mete
 0.03  0.04       268052       35 | tw.edu.ccu
 0.12  0.06       399067      132 | tw.edu.ntnu.cc
 0.01  0.00          588        6 | tw.net.seed
 0.05  0.03       191560       55 | uk.ac.abdn.lang
 0.00  0.00        11531        3 | uk.ac.brad.pharm
 0.01  0.00         2562        9 | uk.ac.dur
 0.04  0.08       493809       45 | uk.ac.ed.ucs
 0.00  0.00        23437        5 | uk.ac.gcal
 0.09  0.09       574920       92 | uk.ac.hensa
 0.01  0.01        48327        8 | uk.ac.ic.bg
 0.00  0.00         2133        1 | uk.ac.kcl.cc
 0.01  0.00        29306        6 | uk.ac.le
 0.01  0.00        28464        6 | uk.ac.man.mo
 0.03  0.02       147815       30 | uk.ac.ox.magd
 0.00  0.01        44106        1 | uk.ac.stir
 0.00  0.00         7376        2 | uk.ac.ucl
 0.05  0.04       220607       54 | uk.ac.ulst.humc
 0.02  0.01        61648       16 | uk.ac.westnotts
 0.08  0.06       365943       86 | uk.co.active-direct
 0.02  0.02       126605       22 | uk.co.capgemini
 0.03  0.02       147815       30 | uk.co.compulink
 0.18  0.20      1245322      187 | uk.co.demon
 0.02  0.02       108401       23 | uk.co.dircon
 0.02  0.01        89642       22 | uk.co.dircon.pool
 0.04  0.02       147055       39 | uk.co.ftech
 0.02  0.01        67331       16 | uk.co.ftech.max4000
 0.11  0.08       519222      117 | uk.co.globalnet
 0.05  0.05       320782       52 | uk.co.granada
 0.00  0.00        23490        3 | uk.co.mgn
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | uk.co.mistral
 0.02  0.02        95198       23 | uk.co.ndirect
 0.02  0.01        90561       23 | uk.co.rapid
 0.03  0.02       112308       36 | uk.co.zetnet.dialup
 0.01  0.01        59023       15 | uk.gov.gtnet
 0.00  0.00        11799        4 | us.fl.jax.ci.myr
 0.00  0.00          392        4 | us.il.cc
 0.03  0.02       154755       27 | us.il.k12.w-cook.oprf
 0.03  0.03       170570       33 | us.il.k12.will.pda
 0.00  0.00        11799        4 | us.il.k12.zbths
 0.01  0.00        29306        6 | us.il.lib.desplaines
 0.03  0.02       147913       31 | us.me.state.ddp
 0.05  0.04       258579       51 | us.mi.k12.bloomfield
 0.07  0.09       530867       77 | us.mn.duluth.cp
 0.08  0.13       811541       81 | us.mn.k12.hopkins
 0.01  0.01        41627        9 | us.mo.cc.stlcc
 0.00  0.00         1137        1 | us.nj.k12.union-city
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | us.nm.cc.tvi
 0.04  0.06       402828       45 | us.nv.clark.co
 0.05  0.04       242654       51 | us.oh.k12.dps
 0.00  0.00          264        1 | us.or.coos.pub3
 0.00  0.00          257        1 | us.pa.pgh.pps.woolslair
 0.01  0.01        68969       10 | us.ut.k12.nic
 0.02  0.02       119180       16 | us.ut.k12.sedc
 0.06  0.04       249739       59 | us.vt.state.oeo
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