Justin's Life... March 30, 1997

Justin's Life... March 30, 1997

March 30, 1997


Since getting back from Florida, life has been hectic to say the least.

Monday, the 17th, I woke at the butt crack of dawn to call to make my class advisement appointment for the fall semester. I thought I'd waited too late, as earlier in my COMM 201 class, the prof. wrote on the board, "Fall Class Advisement Begins March 17th". By calling the day it began, I figured I'd have to wait until the end of the week, after hundreds of other advisements and clearances, before I'd have my chance at those probably already filled classes.

It turned out, however, that March 17th was the day Senior advisements began: March 31st was the first day for undergraduates, so I made an appointment then.

Tuesday, I didn't bother checking the Physics website to see when Assignment #7 was due since I figured for sure it wouldn't be due the day after we came back... of course, I was wrong. That said, only the highest ten out of twelve assignments are counted, so it wasn't that bad: I simply don't have any more "freebies." --I didn't totally blow off Tuesday, though. I did have an exam in my History of Architecture class, for which I did study.

Wednesday, I had no classes but as I hadn't attended a Physics class for over a month, reading three chapters of the textbook (for the first time) occupied a good chunk of the day.

Thursday, I began the day with a 9AM Geology lab then proceeded with back-to-back classes until my Physics midterm at 2PM. -- Having said that I hadn't attended class in over a month, I guess I should note that I got a hundred on the test . I mean, why spend four hours a week in a class when you can get the highest grade in the class without attending? ---- Also having said that, I should let you know that I got a "D" on my Comm 201 midterm and I've attended every class. I guess that's just the way the ball bounces.

Anyway, Thursday night came, and I tried to temporarily shut my brain down. Looming research papers due the next week, however, kept coming back into my consciousness.

Friday night, Larry and I had dinner with Dan, who we hadn't seen in quite a while and who works for a major company in the entertainment industry, to ask him what he thought we should do about changing the medium of the diary. School has been taxing me to my last stress nerve and I need a goal. Getting the diary into another medium (i.e. book) would give me that goal.

So, we had dinner at a nice restuarant, discussed everything from school to life to the diary then parted ways. He said he'd let me know something this past week, but I haven't heard anything. I'm sure, as with everyone, he's just been busy.

Saturday, the weekend!! NOT. At 6:30AM, I woke, got dressed, and headed off to USC. At 8AM, the bus was scheduled to leave campus for a mandatory Geology 105 field trip to Palos Verdes to check out landslides and fault lines. Through the course of six bus stops, we broke "No Tresspassing" laws and risked death. It wasn't nearly as bad as I'd anticipated, but the best part of the trip was the interaction it allowed between the students. Throughout the day, I talked with this guy Brian, who is also in my lab. We'd said hi and had some smalltalk in class before, but during the field trip, we talked in a lot more detail. I found out that he was on the hockey team and liked camping out. We never broached the subject of girls, guys, or sex, but I'm 99.5% sure he's straight. Nonetheless, the number of my friends at USC is far from several. I'd welcome the opportunity just to hang out with someone, and so, I offered to go camping with him sometime if he'd like. His response wasn't definitive, but it was positive.

I got some administrative web site work done on Sunday and began the preliminary work on my COMM research paper. Sunday afternoon, we had dinner with Larry's friend Kathleen, a big wig in the music industry, and she was just as koool as ever. I sometimes think Larry and I are about the only people that are in-your-face honest, even with ourselves, but Kathleen definitely fits within that category as well.

After we'd finished talking and dinner was over, we were walking to our cars when Kathleen saw someone she knew. She whistled to get the other woman's attention, and when the other woman saw her, she ran over to us. They hugged, and Kathleen told her that the guy standing in front of her was Larry [Last Name]. Apparently they'd known each other about twenty years ago, but more aweing for me was who was with this long-lost-friend. I think Larry recognized her, but someone or the other introduced her as Diane Warren. I would have had no clue as to who Diane Warren was, but Larry'd mentioned her superstar songwriter status after I bought Celine Dion's latest CD. (She wrote "Because You Loved Me", the theme song of Up Close and Personal.)

As conversation continued, Diane's friend kept talking about nervous Diane was... for the next night was the 69th Annual Academy Awards: Diane's song had been nominated. "Yee-ha" I thought to myself. I was standing in front of someone who had a likely chance of being before literally a billion people the next day. I thought I saw Sandra Bullock driving in Beverly Hills a couple months ago, but that was just a drive by. Here I'd been introduced (as "Justin"... apparently Kathleen doesn't know my last name... so I did feel a little less important as it was "This is Larry [Last Name] and Justin," but still...)

I tried to think of something great to say as Diane continued talking about how nervous she was and as Kathleen, Larry, and the other lady kept reassuring her that her song would win. I finally managed to add, "Your song plays in my car all the time," which I'm fairly sure she thought was mere flattery, but in actuality is quite true.

After about five minutes of talking, a horn honked and another friend of the two women arrived. Once again, Kathleen introduced Larry and I as "Larry [Last Name] and Justin" and once again my self-importance got squished a little. Nonetheless, I took the situation in a slight awe, listening to Diane tells middle school caliber dirty jokes in order to calm herself and still trying to think of something spectacular to say.

Before long, we said we were going to head out and said good-bye. As they walked in one way and we the other, Diane added that we should keep everything crossed.


Monday this past week, I thought my stress threshhold had been passed. I had two research papers due on Tuesday. My Communication paper needed five sources, including books and journals, as so, taking the research I'd already done online, I went towards USC's Doheny Library. Before I could get on campus though, I had to deal with the increased traffic of the Academy Awards (They're held in the Shrine Auditorium, a literal rock's throw (50 feet or so) from USC's main campus, positioned between the main campus and several of USC's housing complexes.)

Anyway, after making it onto campus, I entered the parking structure where I always park only to find that it was full. Parking had apparently been diverted from other parking structures for the Academy Awards. After I drove around for ten minutes looking for a parking space, I was nearly ready to leave... until I saw a guy walking to his car. I followed him around the top of the building, waited for him to leave, then pulled into the space.

After getting to the library, only two of the six books I'd wanted were available. Nonetheless, as the books are grouped in sections of similar subjects (duh!), I grabbed a couple next to the ones I'd looked for, figuring one line or another would apply to my paper in one way or another and I could use the book as a source.

I got my books and left.

By Monday morning, my paper of not so great quality, but near perfect MLA form, was done. -- As my first paper got a "B+" in quality, but an "F" in MLA form for a resulting grade of "C-", I figured the content of less than wonderful quality could be "saved" by the near perfect MLA form.

Yet, as my paper for my communications class did get finished, my paper for the History of Architecture didn't even get started. The penalty for each day late was a letter grade downdrop, but since I'm taking the class Pass/No Pass, it makes no difference if I get a "B" or "C", they're both passing.

By Tuesday night, I'd talked with my TA to find out where to deliver my paper on Wednesday and by Wednesday afternoon, I'd driven to USC, found the Architecture office, and turned it in.

BUT IT DIDN'T STOP!!!! As soon as I got home, I began working on the Physics assignment due at 2PM the next day. I read an entire chapter on Electromagnetic waves and finished the assignment before falling asleep.

Waking at 6:30AM, I began working on the Geology pre-lab due at 9AM. Once the lab was over, I skipped my Geology lecture to finish the COMM 201 assignment given on Tuesday, turned it in during that class, then hurried to my Physics class at 2PM to turn in that assignment before getting in the car, heading to the house, and taking a nap.

It was over!!! Thursday night was a relaxing dinner with Don and his wife. Friday was just relaxing, working on some web site stuff, and watching Cat's Can't Dance, an animated feature film which included a couple of obviously gay characters, quite a feat for an animated film.

This weekend, I've been getting my finances in order. The lack of being able to sign up members, as well as the increaased bills from transferring servers, has left quite a red mark in Koool's checking account. On the whole, though, this weekend has been koool... and much needed.

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© 1997 Justin Clouse

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