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© 1997 Justin Clouse
March 30, 1997
That said, only the highest ten out of twelve assignments are counted, so it wasn't that bad: I simply don't have any more "freebies." --I didn't totally blow off Tuesday, though. I did have an exam in my History of Architecture class, for which I did study.
. I mean, why spend four hours a week in a class when you can get the highest grade in the class without attending?
---- Also having said that, I should let you know that I got a "D" on my Comm 201 midterm and I've attended every class. I guess that's just the way the ball bounces.
-- As my first paper got a "B+" in quality, but an "F" in MLA form for a resulting grade of "C-", I figured the content of less than wonderful quality could be "saved" by the near perfect MLA form.
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