As we stood in line, he asked me what I'd like and I questioned his wanting to know. -- I still wanted to pay. -- He answered, "So that I can order," which implied that he was going to pay but was koool because he was ordering for me (like the "man" would do.
) I told him that I wanted the Pasta Alfredo, and he ordered that and his own entree. He then asked me what I wanted to drink. When I said Cherry Coke, he ordered that for me as well.
As we neared the cash register, I got money from my pocket to pay for both meals. Frank, however, insisted otherwise and gave the cashier his money before I could.
April 7, 1996

Frank and I got our entrees and walked over to a table by the walkway and sun. Before we began eating, though, I once again handed him the metallic bag. He removed the green grass on top to find a small, stuffed bunny rabbit beneath. He said thank you, smiled, then lunch continued. -- I mean, I knew Frank wasn't a stuffed animal guy, but I'd given him the chocolate egg on Monday and flowers were too cumbersome to give him at a lunch. -- Anyway, conversation in our initial meetings had been limited, so Frank and I got to better know the details of the other by discussing things like families and living arrangements. Soon, though, lunch was over and the two of us started walked towards the bookstore.
When we'd gotten inside, I asked Frank what he was looking for and he said he needed a copy of the Farmer's Almanac, that he was having a party later this month and needed to see the weather forecast. I told him that he was crazy, that he's in California, where it's always sunny. He nevertheless got a copy of the booklet and read the forecast aloud. 
From the bookstore,we walked back into the food court and Frank said he needed to blow his nose before returning to work. As he was walking down the corridor where the bathroom was located, I jokingly asked him if he needed any help. He responded that he did.
I, however, stayed outside.
Frank opened the door a few seconds later and asked me to come inside with him. When I was there, he informed me that he'd wanted me to hold his stuff, but managed to sit it on the hand dryer instead. I turned around to leave and as I was walking out the door, Frank said, "You've seen me naked. I think you can watch me blow my nose." It just so happened, though, that as I was leaving, another guy was entering. He at least heard Frank say that I could watch him blow his nose if not the whole "You've seen me naked" part. Needless to say, we both had a good laugh about the whole deal when Frank got outside. 
It was then time for Frank to return to work, so he walked me towards the car and said he'd see me later Thursday evening at Dan's writing party. -- Dan was whom I had lunch with on Wednesday at the Broadway Deli. During the meal, we discussed college and writing, but we also talked about Frank since, of course, the diary came up. Long story short, Dan's company was looking for someone with Frank's qualifications. The informal writing party at a chinese restuarant seemed ideal for them to meet.
Thursday night, Larry and I arrived at the restuarant to find Dan and to introduce ourselves to a guy who I think was named Chris. Minutes more, Frank and another guest, David (a guy who reminded me of Josh Charles in Threesome), arrived until most of the party had been assembled. On my side of the table, I sat between Dan and David. On the other, Chris sat next to Larry who sat next to Frank. I'd liked to have sat next to Frank but figured sitting next to Dan and David would keep my mind on the subject at hand.
Apparently, my thoughts were overheard by a cosmic being because Dan suggested we move to a larger table as other guests arrived. In the move, I sat next to Frank. 
During dinner, we talked about everything from movies, to USC, to careers. Most of the time, several conversations were occuring simultaneously and I alternated my attentions between them. (And for the most part, I was successful, but on a couple of occasions, I was paying too much attention to Frank.
One conversation topic that everyone paid attention to was when Larry asked, "So who at this table is gay?" --We'd earlier talked about writing from struggle and the "gay experience" was mentioned.-- I'd already gaydared the appropriate attendants and thus the question seemed a little redundant to me. Anyway, as the looks went around the table, the hands began to rise. Turns out, nearly everyone was. The minority had been reversed and the atmosphere changed 150 degrees. (It wasn't quite a total change, but pretty close.
). The flirting which had been going on before came in full force... and the new minority seemed slightly aghast. I can only imagine it as my sitting at a table full of guys whom I thought were gay only to find out that I was completely wrong. 
Before long, the meal was over and the conversations started to die. In the meantime, I was drooling over Frank and wondering what would happen after we left. 
When we got outside twenty or so minutes later, Dan, David, Frank, Larry, and I started talking. Dan & Frank spoke for a bit about the potential work position and David & I talked about USC. Dan and David then headed off and Frank, Larry, & I agreed to meet at Musso & Frank's Grille for a martini.
When we arrived a few minutes later, Frank got out of his car and took his pants off. I'd known he wasn't wearing underwear during dinner because he'd said he'd rollerbladed for hours and they were wet with sweat. In the parking lot, however, I got to see that he wasn't wearing any as he hung between the slit in his button-down shirt. (And like I've said, Frank's appeal is that he is completely opposite of me. I can't see myself ever changing clothes in a parking lot... especially not outside of the car.
The three of us went inside and the two of them had a couple martinis. It was late, though, and the place was soon closed. Back in the parking lot, Larry & I asked Frank where he was going from there. I told him that he should come over and after an initial hesitation, he agreed.
I rode in the car with Frank and a few minutes later, we were back at Larry's house. We watched a little TV while I obsessed over Frank's legs and Larry layed on the bed behind him. Like I said, though, it was late and Frank was tired. The two of us went downstairs and Frank asked where I was sleeping. I said in the bed and he said no, that it was his bed, that I was sleeping on the couch. I knew otherwise, but walked towards the couch anyway. He responded, "What are you doing?" in a playful tone then told me to get in the bed. 
I got under the covers and told him that he's a very hard guy to read. One minute I think he's totally not interested in me and the next, he's kissing me. So after that quick conversation, we layed next to each other. One touch led to another and the two of us began kissing. We caressed for a while then Frank said he needed to go to sleep. I held out for a bit longer, then complied. 
At around 8AM, I woke to find myself coverless: Frank had pulled them all onto himself. I layed for a while, being cold and contemplating what to do, when I finally decided to pull some of the cover back. When I did, Frank jerked it back from me and said, "I need to be comfortable." What a bitch. He had the entire sheet and entire blanket all to himself and dared to say, "I need to be comfortable" just so that he could put the cover between his legs.
I layed there a while longer, pretty much dumbfounded about Frank's attitude towards me, both sexually & regarding the covers, and then decided I'd put a sweatshirt on & deal with his attitude later. When I got back on the bed, sweatshirt going over my head, Frank asked me what I was doing. I told him what had just happened and he completely didn't believe me. He said that he must have been asleep and gave me some of the cover. I crawled back into bed and snuggled next to him. 
At around 10AM, I woke once again and began to kiss on Frank. He was laying on his front and so I kissed him from the back of his neck to down to the bottom of his butt. After a while of that, I started wondering if Frank was aware. I asked as much and he said that he was, that he was simply relaxing and enjoying it.
By the time Frank got out of bed at 11AM, I'd managed to turn him over and pay attention to his frontside as well. He quickly showered, said good-bye with a kiss on the cheek for Larry and a kiss on the lips for me, then headed off to meet a female friend of his for lunch. 
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© 1996 Justin Clouse